Jade Lizard

Introduction to the Jade Lizard
The Jade Lizard is a unique and sophisticated options trading strategy that has garnered significant attention in the trading community. Known for its intriguing name, the Jade Lizard combines both call and put options to create a position that is designed to benefit from non-movement or slight upward movement of the underlying stock. This strategy is sometimes referred to as a ‘twisted sister’ trade due to its similarity to the iron condor strategy, but with a distinct risk profile.
Key Takeaways
- Jade Lizard combines selling a put and a call spread on the same stock.
- Ideal for neutral to slightly bullish market conditions.
- Offers no upside risk if structured properly.
- Commissions and fees are typically low compared to potential trade value.
- Requires careful stock selection and market trend analysis.
- Potential losses are primarily on the downside.
- Effective for capitalizing on time decay and minor price movements.
Jade Lizard Profit and Loss Diagram
Let’s plot this strategy so we can visually see how the trade P/L performs (y axis), at expiration, given a particular stock price (x axis).

Understanding Jade Lizards
At its core, the Jade Lizard involves selling a put option and a call spread on the same stock and expiration date. The strategy is constructed by selling an out-of-the-money put and an out-of-the-money call spread. The goal is to collect a premium that is greater than the width of the call spread, effectively eliminating the risk on the upside. If the stock remains below the call spread strike price at expiration, the trader keeps the premium.
Long Jade Lizard Trades
Let’s consider a long Jade Lizard trade with XYZ Corp, currently trading at $100. Suppose we sell a put at $90 and a call spread at $100 and $105. If we collect a total premium of $400, this represents our maximum profit if XYZ stays below $100 at expiration. Our risk is on the downside if XYZ falls below $90, minus the $400 premium. The premium collected offers a cushion against minor drops in the stock price.
Commissions and Fees with Jade Lizards
Trading Jade Lizards can be cost-effective compared to other complex strategies. Assuming each leg of the trade incurs a $1 fee, a Jade Lizard with three legs would cost $6 round trip. If the total premium is $400, the fees represent 1.5% of the total trade value, a relatively small portion compared to the potential gains or losses.
Margin Impact of Jade Lizards
Using the XYZ Corp example, if the stock is trading at $100 and we enter a Jade Lizard, the margin requirement will generally be higher because of the naked put strike price. So, our margin requirement could be significant, assuming a $90 put strike and a $400 premium collected.
Benefits and Risks of Jade Lizards
The Jade Lizard offers an attractive risk-reward profile, with no upside risk if structured properly. It’s beneficial in neutral to slightly bullish market conditions. However, the risk lies on the downside, where a significant drop in the underlying stock can lead to substantial losses.
Proven Tips for Success with Jade Lizards
Success with Jade Lizards requires a good understanding of market trends and stock movements. It’s crucial to choose stocks with relatively stable prices and to be prepared to manage the trade if the market moves against your position.
Real-Life Jade Lizard Examples
In our XYZ Corp example, if the stock remains stable or increases slightly, the Jade Lizard strategy will result in a profit equal to the premium collected. However, if the stock price falls significantly, the strategy will incur losses equal to the drop in stock price minus the premium.
When and Why Traders Use Jade Lizards
Traders often use Jade Lizards in markets where little movement is expected. The strategy is employed to capitalize on time decay and minor price movements. Investors hope for stability or a slight increase in the underlying stock, using the strategy mainly in neutral market conditions.
How do Jade Lizards Work?
Jade Lizards work by capitalizing on the premium collected from the sold options. If the stock price stays within a certain range, the trader keeps the premium as profit. The risk is controlled by the choice of strike prices and the spread width.
Are Jade Lizards Risky?
Like all options strategies, Jade Lizards carry risk, primarily on the downside. The risk-to-reward ratio is favorable, but it requires careful monitoring and understanding of market movements.
Are Jade Lizards Bearish or Bullish?
Jade Lizards are neither inherently bearish nor bullish. They are best suited for a neutral market outlook, with a slight bias towards bullishness due to the asymmetric risk profile.
Mastering the Jade Lizard options strategy can offer traders a unique way to capitalize on market stability and minor upward trends. Remember, thorough analysis and market understanding are key to success. For further assistance in trading Jade Lizards, don’t hesitate to message us on X.com or join our Discord community for more support.