Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Call Broken Wing Butterfly Option Diagram

Introduction to the Call Broken Wing Butterfly

The Call Broken Wing Butterfly is an advanced options trading strategy that offers a unique approach to managing risk and potential rewards. Commonly referred to as the Broken Wing Butterfly or BWB, this strategy is a variation of the traditional butterfly spread. By adjusting the strike prices of the options involved, traders can create an asymmetric payoff profile, tailored to their market outlook and risk tolerance.

Key Takeaways

  • Call Broken Wing Butterflies involve buying and selling calls at different strikes for asymmetric risk-reward.
  • Suitable for moderately bullish or stable markets.
  • Requires precise option selection and understanding of market trends.
  • Involves controlled risks, but with potential complexities in management.
  • Effective for profiting from minimal market movements while limiting downside.
  • Essential to understand commissions, fees, and margin impacts.
  • Offers flexibility and can be tailored to individual risk tolerance and market views.
  • Mastery of this strategy can enhance an options trader’s skillset.

Call Broken Wing Butterfly Profit and Loss Diagram

Let’s plot this strategy so we can visually see how the trade P/L performs (y axis), at expiration, given a particular stock price (x axis).

Call Broken Wing Butterfly Diagram from IntraAlpha
Call Broken Wing Butterfly Diagram from IntraAlpha

Understanding Call Broken Wing Butterflies

At its core, the Call Broken Wing Butterfly involves buying and selling multiple call options at different strike prices. The structure typically consists of buying one at-the-money call, selling two out-the-money calls, and buying one further out-of-the-money call. The key to this strategy lies in the selection of strike prices and expiration dates, creating a non-symmetrical spread that offers protection against significant market moves.

Long Call Broken Wing Butterfly Trades

When executing long Call Broken Wing Butterfly trades, precision in option selection is crucial. Consider XYZ Corp, currently trading at $100. A trader might set up a Call Broken Wing Butterfly expiring in 45 days by buying a $100 call, selling two $105 calls, and buying a $115 call. The premium collected could be, for example, $50, representing a strategic balance between risk and potential return.

Commissions and Fees with Call Broken Wing Butterflies

Trading Call Broken Wing Butterflies can incur varying costs in commissions and fees, often depending on the brokerage. For XYZ Corp’s example, if each leg of the trade incurs a $1 fee, the round-trip cost would be $8. Comparatively, this cost can be substantial or minimal, depending on the total premium involved. For instance, if the total premium is $50, the $8 fee represents about 16% of the trade’s value.

Margin Impact of Call Broken Wing Butterflies

Margin requirements are an essential consideration. Using the same XYZ Corp example, if the brokerage calculates margin based on the maximum potential loss, the trader must ensure adequate funds are available. The unique structure of the Call Broken Wing Butterfly may lead to varying margin impacts compared to more straightforward strategies.

Benefits and Risks of Call Broken Wing Butterflies

This strategy can offer significant benefits, like controlled risk and flexibility in market conditions. However, risks include potential losses from rapid price movements and the complexity of managing multiple option positions.

Proven Tips for Success with Call Broken Wing Butterflies

Successful trading with Call Broken Wing Butterflies requires a deep understanding of market trends, option pricing, and risk management. Regularly reviewing and adjusting positions, staying informed about market changes, and practicing with smaller trades can enhance success chances.

Real-Life Call Broken Wing Butterfly Examples

Using XYZ Corp as an example, a real-world scenario might involve setting up a Call Broken Wing Butterfly ahead of a significant company announcement. The trader anticipates moderate price movement, aiming to profit from this expected volatility while limiting downside risk.

When and Why Traders Use Call Broken Wing Butterflies

Traders often deploy Call Broken Wing Butterflies in moderately bullish or stable markets. The goal is to benefit from slight price increases in the underlying asset while guarding against sharp declines. Traders choose this strategy for its ability to generate profits from minimal market movements and for its risk control features.

How do Call Broken Wing Butterflies Work?

This strategy’s mechanics involve balancing the purchase and sale of calls to create a position with limited risk but with an asymmetric payoff potential. The careful selection of strike prices and expiration dates is critical to align the strategy with the trader’s market outlook.

Are Call Broken Wing Butterflies Risky?

While the Call Broken Wing Butterfly limits potential losses compared to some strategies, it’s not without risks. The complexity of managing multiple options and the potential for losses, albeit limited, makes it vital for traders to thoroughly understand this strategy before implementation.

Are Call Broken Wing Butterflies Bearish or Bullish?

The Call Broken Wing Butterfly is typically considered a bullish strategy, albeit with a conservative stance. It’s designed to capitalize on moderate upward movements in the underlying asset.


Mastering the Call Broken Wing Butterfly can be a significant advantage for options traders. This strategy offers a balanced approach to risk and reward, suitable for various market conditions. For further assistance in trading, consider reaching out for support through platforms like or joining relevant Discord communities.

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