Covered Short Strangle

Strangle Option Diagram

Introduction to the Covered Short Strangle

The Covered Short Strangle, also known as the Covered Strangle or Covered Naked Strangle, is a versatile options trading strategy that combines elements of both the Covered Call and Short Strangle strategies. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this strategy and shed light on its significance in options trading.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Covered Short Strangle strategy combines elements of Covered Calls and Short Strangles.
  • It involves selling OTM call and put options while holding a long stock position.
  • Commissions and fees are relatively low compared to some other strategies.
  • Margin requirements are typically lower, making it cost-effective.
  • Benefits include income generation, risk reduction, and flexibility.
  • Risks include limited profit potential and potential unlimited losses.
  • Traders use this strategy in low-volatility markets with a neutral outlook.
  • It is not inherently bearish or bullish and can adapt to various market conditions.

Covered Strangle Profit and Loss Diagram

Let’s plot this strategy so we can visually see how the trade P/L performs (y axis), at expiration, given a particular stock price (x axis).

Covered Strangle Diagram from IntraAlpha
Covered Strangle Diagram from IntraAlpha

Understanding Covered Short Strangles

To grasp the Covered Short Strangle strategy, it is essential to comprehend its core components, which involve both calls and puts. This strategy revolves around simultaneously holding a long stock position while selling an out-of-the-money (OTM) call option and an OTM put option on the same underlying asset. The primary objective is to generate income from the premiums received from selling the call and put options.

Covered Strangle Trades

Let’s delve into the specifics of executing long Covered Short Strangle trades with the help of an example involving XYZ Corporation. Suppose XYZ is currently trading at $100, and we decide to implement this strategy with an option set to expire in 45 days.

  • Selling an OTM Call: In this example, we sell an XYZ call option with a strike price of $110.
  • Selling an OTM Put: Simultaneously, we sell an XYZ put option with a strike price of $90.

The premium collected from both the call and put options, let’s say, amounts to a total of $200 per option, totaling $400 for the entire trade. This premium serves as our immediate income. However, it’s important to note that by selling both the call and put options, we are obligating ourselves to buy the stock (if the put is exercised) or sell the stock (if the call is exercised) at the respective strike prices.

Commissions and Fees with Covered Short Strangles

In terms of costs and fees, executing Covered Short Strangle trades is relatively cost-effective compared to some other option trading strategies. Assume that each leg of the trade incurs a $1 fee, resulting in a round-trip cost of $4 for the entire trade. If we consider the premium collected, which was $400 in our example, the fees account for only 1% of the total cost, highlighting the cost-efficiency of this strategy.

Margin Impact of Covered Short Strangles

The margin impact of a Covered Short Strangle strategy can vary depending on the specific broker and the underlying asset. However, using the XYZ Corporation example, let’s assume that the margin requirement for this trade is $2,000. This margin is typically lower than that required for more complex strategies, making it a preferred choice for many traders.

Benefits and Risks of Covered Short Strangles


  • Income Generation: The primary benefit of a Covered Short Strangle is the ability to generate immediate income through premium collection.
  • Reduced Risk: The long stock position mitigates some of the risks associated with naked options strategies, providing a degree of protection.
  • Flexibility: Traders can adjust their strike prices and expiration dates to tailor the strategy to their market outlook.


  • Limited Profit Potential: The profit potential is capped, as the trader is obligated to buy or sell the stock at specific strike prices.
  • Unlimited Losses: In theory, the potential losses in a Covered Short Strangle are unlimited if the stock price moves significantly in one direction.
  • Margin Requirements: Margin requirements can tie up a significant amount of capital.

Proven Tips for Success with Covered Short Strangles

To succeed in Covered Short Strangle trading, consider the following tips:

  • Carefully select strike prices and expiration dates based on your market outlook and risk tolerance.
  • Monitor your positions regularly and have a plan in place to manage potential losses.
  • Consider using stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.
  • Diversify your portfolio to manage overall risk exposure.

Real-Life Covered Short Strangle Examples

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios to see how Covered Short Strangle strategies can work in practice, using the XYZ Corporation example:

Scenario 1: Neutral Outlook

Suppose you believe that XYZ Corporation will trade within a relatively narrow range in the coming months. You can implement a Covered Short Strangle by selling an OTM call and an OTM put with strike prices close to the current stock price. As long as XYZ remains within this range, you profit from the premiums received.

Scenario 2: Volatile Market
In a more volatile market, you can widen the strike price gap to collect higher premiums. This approach can be profitable if the stock remains within the chosen range, even if it experiences significant price fluctuations.

When and Why Traders Use Covered Short Strangles

Traders typically employ the Covered Short Strangle strategy in the following situations:

  • Low Volatility: This strategy is effective in low-volatility markets when traders expect minimal price movement.
  • Income Generation: Traders use Covered Short Strangles to generate income through premium collection.
  • Neutral Outlook: When they anticipate the underlying asset will remain within a specific price range.

How do Covered Short Strangles Work?

The mechanics of a Covered Short Strangle strategy involve selling both an OTM call and an OTM put option on the same underlying asset while simultaneously holding a long stock position. By doing so, traders collect premiums from both options, creating immediate income. The strategy profits as long as the stock price remains within a certain range, defined by the strike prices of the options.

Are Covered Short Strangles Risky?

While Covered Short Strangles offer certain advantages, they also come with risks. The strategy’s risk primarily lies in potential losses if the stock makes significant price movements beyond the selected strike prices. Additionally, the profit potential is limited, as it depends on the premiums collected.

Are Covered Short Strangles Bearish or Bullish?

Covered Short Strangles do not have a strict directional bias. The strategy can be employed in neutral market conditions when traders anticipate minimal price movement. It is not inherently bearish or bullish, making it a versatile choice for different market outlooks.


In conclusion, the Covered Short Strangle strategy offers traders an effective way to generate income and manage risk in options trading. By simultaneously selling OTM call and put options while holding a long stock position, traders can harness the power of premiums while limiting potential losses. While this strategy comes with its own set of risks, careful planning and risk management can make it a valuable addition to an options trader’s toolkit. As you embark on your journey to master the Covered Short Strangle strategy, remember to choose your strike prices wisely, stay vigilant in monitoring your positions, and diversify your portfolio to enhance your overall trading success. If you need further assistance or have questions about implementing this strategy, don’t hesitate to message us on or Discord for more support.

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